A $50,000 Research Fellowship was granted by Stupid Strong in partnership with Debbie’s Dream Foundation through the American Association of Cancer Research to Dr. Ankur Nagaraja, PhD of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Dr. Nagaraja is a Postdoctoral Fellow and instructor of Medical and Gastrointestinal Oncology. The goal of the research grant is to define novel therapeutic strategies for CCNE1-amplified gastric cancers which are especially vulnerable to enhancement of replication stress.
This Research Fellowship Grant was awarded in memory of Candace Netzer.
Scientific Statement of Research
Lay Abstract:
Our goal is to identify new therapies for stomach cancer. We have found many stomach cancers form because of a gene called Cyclin E1. We have identified several candidate therapeutic approaches for Cyclin E1 stomach cancers. We will test these strategies in new stomach cancer models to find the best therapeutic agents and the best combination of therapies. Our results should lead to clinical trials bringing new, potentially more effective therapies for stomach cancer.